The Bund has become an international cybersecurity initiative

The Bund has become an international cybersecurity initiative

The Bund is composed by the European Cyber ​​​​Security Organization. It is a fact that there is another kind of technology paper and that a problem can arise. The VBS uses an international project for the cyberverteidigung.

The Swiss Federal Government will be managed by the European Cyber ​​Security Organization (ECSO). The Bundesrat died on August 21 during a seine fishery and was responsible for the Department for Verteidigung, Bevölkerungsschutz und Sport (VBS).

A company is starting the cybersecurity of Switzerland and the coordination with European partners, which is located in the Mitteilung of the Bundesrat.

The ECSO was founded in 2016 as a joint association in Belgium, a public-private partnership in the field of cybersecurity with the European Commission for launch. It is the only European sector that protects an independent cyber organization for cybersecurity, which the Bund notes. The ECSO cooperates with a vertrittliche and private European cybersecurity act and supports its business activities. Let the ECSO come into force on the 300 Mitglieder. There are a few companies from Switzerland that do that, so it is a new enterprise that follows the HSLU and ZHAW colleges.

While the ECSO-Mitgliedschaft has carried out the merger of the Bundes-sister with the Arbeitsgruppen of the ECSO, there are a number of themes with experts and experts from the EU-Raum ermöglichen. The following matters are of the Bund Zugang by the Arbeitsgruppen that use technology papers and can be inhaled.

You can actively enable the Switzerland and a Forschungsschwerpunkte in Bereich Cybersicherheit-vorschlagen. That ECSOEmployers will directly target the EU’s development programme, with names such as Horizon Europe and Digital Europe.

PESCO Project for Cyber ​​Defense

On August 21, the Bundesrat fell yet another divorce in the field of Cyber ​​​​Defense. The executive branch has adopted the name VBS at the project “Cyber ​​​​Ranges Federation”, the project of the permanent structured cooperation (PESCO) of the EU. In 2017, the EU Council commissioned the organization, which takes up the fight against the fight and the interoperability of its life. 26 of the 27 EU states are involved in the PESCO project and the fight has begun with the question of the Drittstaat, which is dealt with by the Bundesrat, which will follow the EU Council and which weiteren in the project will no longer possess the state aid. The specific implementation of projects in a project is done with the neutral enlightenment of Switzerland and the fight against the Bund.

The project “Cyber ​​​​Ranges Federation” is a challenge, the international cooperation in the framework of the cyber defense will be carried out. The computer simulations that are part of the federal states will offer a number of complex and realistic solutions to buy. The possibilities, the quality of the user education and the interoperability are more technical as one of the most likely results, explained by the Bund. The tragedy of the Zusammenfuhrung is a fact, the Research and Development in the Cyber ​​​​​​area are reversing.

Involved in the project are Estonia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Italy, Luxembourg and Austria. The Swiss are working on the Cyber ​​​​Training Range, the best results that the Swiss Army can offer include projects. The personal Fach person has said that “one of the few virtues of Trainingsumfeld, the Verteidigungsfähigkeit of Switzerland in the Cyber-verbessert area was”, as the Bund writes.

Most Cyber ​​Ranges are simulation based, the only problem with the technology is that a personal representation of the computer cannot be used.

The Schweizer Armee can set Drohnen up for fraud and fear. The developed technology will expand the VBS in Switzerland Swap a round table with industrial furniture. Read more here.

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